Core Features

Reimagined Home & Family Assist

Our solutions offer peace of mind during unexpected home emergencies and daily life challenges. Collaborating with partners, we swiftly ease distress.

Home Assist

Home Assist offers a 24/7 helpline for urgent household repairs to prevent potential further damage from being left unattended.

Geyser Assist

Accredited providers and claims handlers manage geyser claims 24/7 with technology-enhanced solutions, ensuring end-to-end fulfillment.

Home Relocation

RoadOne aids clients relocating with access to accredited providers, covering costs up to a predefined limit on your behalf.

Home Invasion

Break-ins and property breaches can leave homeowners vulnerable. We assist arranges a 24-hour guard until property is secure.

Legal Assist

Legal Assist provides 24/7 telephonic advice by in-house attorneys, offering unlimited guidance, legal documents, and support for all legal matters.

Tax & Financial Support

This helpline provides guidance on taxation and finance matters, empowering informed decisions about your financial status.

Credit & Debt Assist

This is top consumer financial wellness solution, Credit and Debt Assist, offers a range of services to promote financial well-being.

Education Benefit Assist

We equip parents with the tools to assist their children in grasping curriculum requirements. Qualified teacher support is readily available.

Integrations is now easy with any apps.

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